“Nick, your chamber needs this app to help revitalize your events”, or “Nick, this app will generate $$$ in non-dues revenue.” How many emails do you get a week that deal with something along this headline? Our organizations are inundated with companies that are looking to capitalize on our membership.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that technology is a good thing. And if you can get your membership to adapt and participate in said technology, then you’re off to a great start. But in a world where the latest app has an average shelf life of 6 months, chambers and associations are having a hard time adjusting to what app to go with and how to make it work.
In today’s world, we can get caught up with trying to stay with all the trends and we can lose focus on our membership needs. I am certainly not anti-technology, but for goodness sake, stay focused and have a purpose. I have witnessed too many organizations that have been caught up with the latest fad that they completely missed out on their members’ needs.
There is a difference in being a cutting edge organization and being the coolest one with a lot of apps. Take time, strategize with your board and volunteers, and make calculated choices that help you stay focused on your organizational needs, instead of getting caught up with the latest app.
Please comment below on what technology you are utilizing at your organization. What is working for you? What are some tips for integrating apps into your organization?
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