I am a big believer in the thinking that you aren’t able to hear a message or learn a lesson until you are ready to receive it. Apparently, it has taken me a long time to be ready to receive the message about the company one keeps.
Over and over throughout my life, I heard the recommendation to surround yourself with people who challenge you, who lift you up, who are living the life you want to lead, and are making changes in the world you want to see. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I needed to pay some real attention to who I was spending my time with. I guess I was ready to finally see/feel how different I felt when I was around people with grateful hearts, with vision, and those who approached life with their glasses half full. These are people who build up my energy and my confidence, and I refer to them as my “Peeroes.”
I have a friend who has decided to share her considerable gifts with another culture on another continent. And ones who give of their time and money to causes that lift us all. They inspire me to be the change I want to see in the world.
I have a set of friends whose political beliefs are different than mine, but they enjoy a thoughtful, spirited exchange rooted in facts and ideas and not in hyperbole. This encourages me to be open to other points of view and recognize that most issues are full of gray areas.
I have a friend who sees opportunity in everything and is not afraid to turn his ideas into new lines of business. He reminds me that without risk there is not reward.
I have many friends grounded in good parenting – who see their children as budding citizens of the world looking for gentle guidance and guidelines as they search to define themselves. They help me remember that being a parent isn’t easy but it’s worth it.
I have friends who know how to have fun, how to relax, and remind me that laughter is really the best medicine.
I have personal and professional confidants whose opinions I trust when I am stuck and need a sounding board.
So if today is the day for you to receive the message about the company you keep. Ask yourself, “Who builds you up? Who leaves you energized? Who challenges you to be better?” Surround yourself with your own set of “Peeroes.” And see how long it takes you to notice your own outlook and energy changing.
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