With some jobs you never know what the day will bring, and no two days are ever the same. For many of us though, our jobs are cyclical in nature. We have our annual fundraisers, our membership drives, and our annual meetings. The first time we do these events, they are new and challenging, and we are pushed to put our own personal spin on them.
However, shortly afterwards, the same challenge always arises–how do we keep our jobs and our events interesting not only to ourselves, but to our attendees and our members? Follow the steps below to help keep your day-to-day job just as interesting and challenging as it was when you first started.
- We are sure that your events, programs, and meetings are all stellar, but it never hurts to look back after an event and see what could have gone better. Don’t be afraid to nitpick; keep this review as an internal document for you and your co-workers to use to evaluate your programs. The most important part of this task, when the time comes to do the same event, is to actually look at the document you created and implement those changes! Finding specific areas to improve in your events allows you to innovate, thus making it feel like new.
- If changes cannot be made to your programming or to your job in general, try to examine a specific task or element that you have troubles with. Use this as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Increasing attention in a new area for each event offers you the opportunity to learn new things and stretch professionally.
You might not be able to change the nature of your job, but you can absolutely update and innovate.