Effective communications, we’re all told, require having a really great message. But what makes a message anyway? So many times, this is a loaded word in strategy sessions or communications conversations because everyone has a different understanding of what a message is and how to use them.
Fundamentally, we should all agree that messages are not “facts”—no matter how emphatically presented. Those facts are actually the proof points that should back up a good message platform. And speaking of a good message platform, I find it’s most effective to operate around the power of three’s. Three key messages is the most any audience will be able to take in and is about the most a spokesperson can effectively remember to deliver.
Good messages showcase what makes your organization, your issue, or your point of view unique. Good messages should bring your story to life by being inspirational and aspirational in the present tense. It’s about expressing what you believe in and what you stand for. A good message will compel your audience to do something differently or think about something differently. A good message platform is a narrative, with three key messages that work together to tell a story yet are powerful enough to stand alone as key points. And importantly, a good message platform will be broad enough to work for all your communications needs across all the sectors or departments of an organization.
What brands do you think have mastered the power of a great message platform? And who do you think needs to go back to the drawing board?