Welcome! This page is designed to provide Class Advisors with important resources and answers to frequently asked questions.
For general Institute information, please use the navigation bar at the top of the page.
More specific information on Class Advisor roles and responsibilities can be found on the Volunteer Handbook pages.
The Board of Regents/Class Advisor Briefing will take place on day one at 11:30 a.m.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please click here for a PDF printable version of all FAQs.
1. Who is my main staff contact?
Karyn MacRae is responsible for overseeing the Class Advisor program. She can be reached by phone at 551-427-5816 or by email.
2. Who do I contact in case of an on-site emergency?
Please contact the Institute staff immediately either by phone or in person.
3. Is there a dress code at Institute?
Institute’s recommended dress code follows below.
Institute for Organization Management is a continuing education program. All participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner with regard to attire and appearance.
Classroom attire at Institute is business casual. Business casual is defined as follows:
Pants: casual slacks, trousers and jeans without holes, frays, etc. Shorts, while permitted, are discouraged due to the temperature of classrooms.
Shirts: all shirts with collars, business casual crewneck or V-neck shirts, blouses, Institute class t-shirts, golf and polo shirts. Examples of unacceptable shirts include shirts with inappropriate slogans, tank tops, muscle shirts, camouflage and crop tops. Institute recommends bringing additional layers, as classrooms can be cold.
Graduation attire is cocktail attire. Cocktail attire is defined as follows:
Knee length dresses, slacks with blouses, or suits. For visual representation, please visit Institute’s Facebook page.
4. What is the attendance policy? Who do I contact if someone misses class?
To maintain the credibility of the IOM recognition and the 96 credit hours it represents, class attendance is recorded and taken seriously. At the completion of the program, participants will have earned 96 of the required 100 hours toward their Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification and 28 points toward their Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) certification.
Participants must attend all classes to receive full credit toward their IOM recognition and required hours toward an industry certification. Please be sure your travel arrangements provide adequate time to complete all classes.
Missed class time will result in required make-up work in order to receive credit. Please contact the Institute staff with questions.
In addition to indicating all absences on your attendance rosters, please notify the Board of Regent Chair immediately following the missed course.
5. What do I do during Homeroom? Am I responsible for attendance?
Homeroom is reserved for welcome and introductions, in addition to some announcements. Advisors should set the tone for the week while building class spirit. First- and second-year Class Advisors tend to facilitate ice breakers. Homeroom is where tent cards are created and forms are distributed. Regents will visit each class to welcome them to Institute and make necessary announcements.
Class Advisors are responsible for taking attendance in Homeroom and all core courses. All attendance should be turned into the staff office immediately following class.
Please see Homeroom for more information.
6. How do attendees access presentations and handouts? Will they be provided in class? Are attendees required to print them out?
Presentations and handouts will be shared with attendees through a hidden webpage prior to arriving on-site. Attendees are not required to print out the handouts, but may do so if they wish.
7. Are attendees allowed to use laptops, tablets, phones, and other handheld devices in class?
Yes, electronic technology is allowed for classroom purposes to enhance learning.
8. In what social media outlets is Institute involved?
Facebook and Twitter are both excellent ways to receive up-to-date information about the program and stay connected. All are encouraged to become a fan of Institute’s Facebook page. It is also recommended to join Institute’s LinkedIn group, in addition to following the IOM Blog, and following us on Instagram (username IOMeducates).
9. Is graduation required for attendees?
Attendance at graduation is strongly encouraged for all Institute attendees and volunteers.
10. How do attendees change electives? Are electives required?
Prior to Institute – Log into registration and follow the prompts to edit the agenda. Attendees will have created a password during registration.
On-site – Elective changes will not be accepted on-site.
Yes, electives are required.
11. What are my responsibilities with the class dinner?
Class Advisors are responsible for making sure their class plans a dinner on the designated evening, in addition to attending the dinner themselves. Advisors should provide guidance and suggestions, but are by no means responsible for planning the entire dinner.
12. How much am I expected to interact with my class?
Class Advisors serve as mentors to attendees and are always expected to be present during class and Institute sponsored events. Advisors are welcome to spend time with their classes during other times, but are reminded that they are not part of the class and should use their best judgment. A professional attitude should always be maintained.
13. Who do I contact if there are audio visual issues during class?
Please contact the staff office in the case of A/V issues.
14. How do I make corrections to my class roster?
Prior to Institute – Attendees can log into their registration and follow the prompts to edit their contact information.
On-site – Notify the staff, who will update Institute’s records.
15. What are the specific duties of the Institute staff?
Raymond P. Towle, IOM, CAE
Vice President, Institute for Organization Management and Political Affairs and Federation Relations
Karyn K. MacRae, IOM, CAE, CMP
Senior Director, Institute for Organization Management
Board of Trustees, Boards of Regents, event logistics and planning
Cecilly (Cici) Francisco
Senior Manager, Institute for Organization Management
Faculty, Curriculum Committee, social media, webinars, Institute blog, DE&I liaison, scholarships and fundraising
Nathan Graham
Associate Manager, Institute for Organization Management
Registration, event and app creation, email communications, marketing deliverables, website and virtual platform management, Institute podcast, emerging technologies, alumni, IOM recognition, general inquiries and feedback
16. How are staff announcements communicated to me on-site?
Announcements can be communicated in person, via text, or email. Additionally, the Class Advisor Broadcast will be distributed during daily meetings.
17. What type of fundraising is allowed on-site?
Each site hosts a silent auction to raise money for the scholarship fund. Other fundraising opportunities vary by site. Some states have specific rules on fundraising/gambling so please inquire with Institute staff before planning anything other than the silent/live auction.
18. What if I need more classroom supplies, i.e. tent card paper, markers, etc.?
All classroom supplies can be found in the staff office.
19. Are evening events required? Is there a dress code? Are guests allowed to attend the evening events?
Evening events are not required, but are highly encouraged. Please see the policies and procedures for Institute’s recommended dress code. Guests are allowed to attend.
20. What if I have an attendee with special needs?
Please notify Institute staff prior to the start of the program of any special needs. There is a section in the online registration form where attendees can note any dietary restrictions. Staff will do their best to accommodate the needs of all participants.
21. Are attendees encouraged to rent cars while on-site?
In most instances, Institute classes and events will be within walking distance. It is up to attendees whether or not to rent a car while on-site.
22. Are attendees required to make class shirts?
Class shirts are created at the discretion of each individual class and advisor. They are not sponsored by Institute and are not required. Please inquire with Institute Staff for specifics on logo usage.
23. Do the new faculty go through an orientation process?
Institute is always welcoming new faculty. Each new instructor will go through an orientation process which includes an interview, and can include being paired up with a seasoned instructor and participating on a group conference call.