You’re at a networking event and you spot someone you’ve wanted to talk to. You walk over, start a conversation and then it happens. They look past you mid-sentence. This has happened to all of us and frankly, we are all guilty of it too. Being present is difficult. The demand for our attention is […]
Why Regionalism Matters to Young Professional Organizations
Regionalism is not just a trend or a buzzword. It is something that is vital to any organization’s existence. Fewer resources, less volunteers, and a changing membership landscape creates an environment that demands organizations work together, merge, collaborate, and evolve. Look beyond your borders to your neighbors and capitalize on growth together. Apply this with […]
Networking: The Impact and Importance on Your Business
Let’s face it, anyone in business knows the phrase “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” is true. No matter how experienced and educated you are, you will do better off when you are in situations where you have a foot in the door. One of the best ways for you to create […]
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