We all understand the importance of having a strategic plan to guide our organization – if you don’t know where you want to go, how are you going to get there? But how do you engage your board members in the process of planning, ensure they understand the importance of the strategic plan, and align […]
Promoting Volunteer Success
No one volunteers because they want to do a bad job – yet it happens. How do you prevent it? It helps to understand what motivates people to volunteer. A passion for your organization or mission, interest in accomplishing a specific goal, helping the organization, and making a difference in the community are the reasons […]
Keys to a Successful Board Chair-CEO Relationship
If you’ve been in the association/chamber business for a while, you’ve likely come across peers who are facing intense conflict with their board chair. It may even have happened to you – with board chairs changing every 1 to 2 years in most organizations, it’s nearly inevitable you’ll hit a bad apple. How can you […]