It was only last year that I wrote about the durability of email as a primary business tool; particularly as it compared to the then still private social media monster, Facebook. I won’t trot out the overused Peter Allen quote “everything old is new again” (although it is rather pithy…). Instead, I rather like an […]
What Nine Types of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Have in Common with Your Website
My wife sent me to Safeway the other day — on a mission: to get some Kraft Macaroni & Cheese…it was comfort food night. I hadn’t shopped for this product in years, but I fondly remembered it as a “post- college” staple — 19 cents a box, add some butter and milk. Delicious…and filling. So […]
Email vs. Facebook: The Tortoise and the Hare
The other day a colleague asked me what I thought of Facebook as a tool for growing business. It was a timely question. He wondered what the new infusion of cash from Facebook’s IPO might mean for the young company. In particular, my friend was trying to make decisions about how to allocate resources in […]