In addition to the required core curriculum, participants also choose three electives each year. Institute’s targeted, two-hour elective classes allow participants to tailor their Institute experience to meet their objectives. By covering one topic in detail, electives help prepare association and chamber professionals for specific jobs, duties, and assignments.
All attendees take one elective from each of the groups outlined below. These courses are not dictated by your class year in the Institute program.
Elective Group One | Elective Group Two | Elective Group Three |
Elective Course Titles
Group One
- E110 Revving Your Revenue Stream
- E120 Executive Law
- E126 Dealing With Challenging Employees
- E130 501(c)(3) Financials of Foundation Management
- E140 Building Organizational Excellence
- E142 Fundamentals of Community and Economic Development
- E144 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Nonprofits
- E150 Unleash the Leader Within
- E163 Communicating Through Media
- E180 Building Better Boards and Committees
Group Two
- E210 Executive Finance
- E211 Sponsorship Solicitation
- E230 Managing Upward
- E235 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Strategic Planning For Your Organization
- E240 Strong Associations for the Future
- E241 Strong Chambers for the Future
- E243 Creating a Future-Ready Workforce
- E244 Using Data to Grow and Sustain Your Organization
- E250 PACs and Political Endorsements
Group Three
- E310 Evolving Membership Models
- E330 Keys to Delegation and Empowerment
- E331 CEO Lessons Learned
- E342 Advanced Strategies of Community and Economic Development
- E343 Building a Brighter Future: Business Leadership in Education
- E350 The Art of Persuasion and Negotiation
- E360 Strategic Communications
- E362 Policy Development and Implementation
- E380 Delivering Value