Ray Mabus, former Governor of Mississippi and now Secretary of the Navy, once said that sometimes people become the victims of the “tyranny of low expectations.” It oftentimes becomes satisfactory to settle for something less than optimal. Local chamber leaders simply must not be satisfied when someone tells us, “That’s the best we can do.” […]
Why You Should Say “Yes” More Often
In most decisions we face, we are given two choices – say yes or say no. It is simply 50-50! Have you ever found yourself constantly saying no? No, that’s not in the budget. No, we don’t have time for that. No, there’s absolutely no way that can be done. While sometimes those statements may […]
How Much is Time Worth?
Have you ever stopped to think how much time is worth? Every day each of us receives the same 24 hours/1440 minutes/86,400 seconds of “time.” People live by the clock, because time is important to all of us. There’s a story about a man who worked at a factory and one of his jobs was […]