The key to success in your personal life and work life all starts with you. Being self-aware is crucial in creating your own happiness. It is easy to talk about how to be happy, but if you work towards this goal with mindfulness, happiness is at your fingertips.
First, it is necessary to listen to others. This may seem very basic, but it is essential to take in information from those around you. Listening helps you be present, enjoy the moment you are living in, and engage with others fully. With this in mind, it is vital to be able to disconnect from technology while communicating face to face with others.
Second, remember to breathe. Mindful breathing helps you relax and be aware of yourself and your surroundings. One useful tip for breathing is called belly breathing. It is necessary throughout our busy days to take time for yourself, especially if you feel overwhelmed. To practice belly breathing, you can be anywhere and take two to three minutes to yourself. To begin, breathe in deeply until you fill your belly with air and hold the air in your lungs for as long as possible. Then breathe out slowly. Repeat this a few times to find yourself relaxed and ready to get back to your day.
Third, take a look around at your surroundings. Take in what is around you and observe the people and places. However, take all of this as a learning experience and do not judge these surroundings. Just take them for what they are and apply this to being more present in your daily life.
Fourth, use your sense of taste. This is one of my personal favorites. Meals are meant to be enjoyed with others and in many cultures, it is a special time to bond with others. It is critical to set aside time to savor your food and appreciate this time with others. Not only is this valuable for our mental growth, physically it is beneficial to eat slowly and digest our food to gain the maximum nutritional benefits.
Fifth, feel the world around you. You can do this whenever you have down time and a quiet environment. A great way to engage in feeling is through meditation. This is the system of focusing on breathing and zoning in on the focus of our breathing. During this action, you can feel your body and engage in mindful breathing to relax and become present with your mind.
Sixth, experience nature. This is another personal favorite of mine. I love to be in the sun and I adore taking time every day to be outside. During the workweek I take this time during my lunch break. If you do not have this opportunity, chose to walk a portion of your commute or change your workout routine to one that is conducive to the outdoors. Spending time outdoors helps you unwind and relish in your surroundings of the fresh air, trees, and animals.
Seventh, don’t be afraid to day dream. This is one of the most important aspects to maintaining positive mental health and happiness in one’s life. It is necessary to always continue setting new goals for yourself and to seek fulfillment in life. This can range from work goals to small personal goals such as reading a new book each month or practicing an instrument once a week. Keeping yourself motivated and remembering to play drives a huge part in our lives.
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