Blog disclaimer: I did not follow my own title when writing this blog! When I sat down to write this blog post, the thought of “take time, follow up and through” couldn’t escape my mind. How often do we get caught up with the fast-paced industry that we belong to and forget to take time, follow up and through? I sure do, in full disclosure, I was two weeks late submitting this post!
Take Time
In a digital age, where with a quick push of a button, emails, texts, photos, etc. can make and solidify deals with your members, many things can fall through the cracks. Think of this blog post as the little angel on your shoulder saying, “Take your time, follow up and through!” Members still love to see you in person, and you can find out way more in person than in a two sentence email.
Question for you: Have you had a member say, “I have not had anyone from the chamber in my office in four years?” That was an extremely hard question for me to answer recently. This was not a member that was not engaged; this was a member that attends and sponsors events/programs regularly. My response, brutal honesty! I had become pretty good at operating from my computer and not spending time with our members in person. I could give you a million excuses as to why, but sometimes a ten minute meeting can mean the world to a member.
Follow Up and Through
So after a great meeting with a member (in person), don’t forget about them. The simplest things can come up in conversation, and a quick follow-up message or note can create great loyalty from that member. Or if you said you would look into something that the member was concerned about, then do it and get back with them.
This is nothing new to you, and maybe it’s just me. But remember don’t get caught up in the pace. Get out and make those in-person visits to members, sponsors, or donors. Take time, follow up and through with your members. I got back to that and it has paid dividends to our programs and events.