Emergency Preparedness Plan
Please contact Institute staff or your class advisor in case of any emergency.
While at Grainger Hall
- Shelter in Place: Keeping facility attendees, citizens and staff in place or in a particular shelter location for the emergency that has presented itself (examples: tornado, active shooter, or a threat inside/outside or in the vicinity of your building).
- Evacuation: Movement of facility attendees, citizens, and staff out of building and relocating to an outside assembly point. A good example of this would be a fire. Grainger Hall assembly point: Sidewalks surrounding Grainger Hall
- Relocation to Another Building Evacuation: Movement of building occupants out of the entire building to a designated off-site shelter facility. This may occur when there is inclement weather during an emergency.
- Your buildings off site shelter facilities are located at:
- Vilas Hall, 821 University Avenue, Madison WI
- Humanities Building, 455 N. Park Street, Madison WI
- The evacuation party should go to the assembly point(s) first before traveling to a host facility
- The host facility (Vilas Hall and/or Humanities Building) should be consulted on what arrangements need to be made to support the facility attendees and the estimated time of arrival of the evacuation party if possible
- Building Manager or designee should notify the University of Wisconsin Madison Police Department of where the evacuation party is relocating and where their facility attendees can be picked up if necessary.
While at the Fluno Center
- Exits, the Fluno Center has stairwells on the East and West ends of the building that serve all eight floors. On the second floor there is an additional stairwell at the end of the South hallway by room 221 that leads out of the building.
- House Phones, throughout the Fluno Center there are black phones that may be used to call the front desk at any time of the day or night by pressing “0”.
- Emergency Siren and Lights, if the Fluno Center siren and lights are activated this means the fire alarm system has been initialized in the building. Everyone must leave the building immediately using the nearest stairs.
- Medical Emergency, in the event of a medical emergency please contact the front desk immediately by using a house phone and dialing “0”. If it is a very minor injury and only basic first aid is needed you may call or stop by the front desk on the first floor for assistance. To call the local fire or police department from any Fluno Center phone, dial “9-911”.
- The Fluno Center has first aid kits and fire extinguishers located throughout the building. There is one Automated External Defibrillator (AED) located on the first floor next to the dining room. Fluno Center Managers and other key staff members are trained in First Aid, Adult CPR and in use of the AED. Upon notification of an emergency our staff will take control of the situation by calling the Fire Department / EMT’s or Police as needed, bringing a first aid kit and AED to the injured person and providing basic care until professional help arrives.
- Severe Weather, The Fluno Center staff monitors the National Weather Service Emergency notification system at all times for weather related watches and warnings. In the event of a weather related emergency (tornado sirens outside) Fluno Center guests should come to the first floor and will be directed to the back hallway (employee hallway) or to the hallway between the dining room and front offices. If guest would like to monitor the weather, they may tune into channel 65 on their television. The Fluno Center is in the city of Madison in Dane county, Wisconsin.
- Link to local weather http://www.channel3000.com/weather/index.html
- Smoking Areas, The Fluno Center is a non-smoking facility. Smoking is permitted outside of the building lobby.
Emergency Resources:
- The University of Wisconsin Hospital is located at 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin. The phone number is 608-262-2398 for emergencies and 608-263-6400 for general information.
- Call 911 for help in cases of fire, medical, or other emergencies.
To note:
Please make sure that Institute has your an accurate emergency contact for you while onsite.