What does it mean to be mindful? To be mindful is to become aware of something. At the 24/7 pace of life today, it can be hard to slow down enough to really become mindful about yourself, your organization, and the work you do to make the world a better place.
In the month of March, associations and chambers are typically busy with the buzz of spring. You may have your annual fundraiser, golf tournament, or member luncheon/conference in the works. The world’s awareness – okay, the awareness of the US – is on March Madness and college basketball.
In the midst of all the “March madness,” there are two aspects of March that organizations may want to be mindful to celebrate. The first is International Women’s Day on March 8. The second is the fact that March is International Ideas Month.
International Women’s Day (IWD)
Annually on March 8, thousands of events are held throughout the world to inspire women and celebrate achievements of women. A global web of rich and diverse local activity connects women from all around the world. The activities range from political rallies, business conferences, government activities, and networking events to local women’s craft markets, theatric performances, fashion parades, and more.
Many global corporations also actively support IWD by running their own internal events and sponsoring external events. For example, some years on March 8, search engine and media giant Google changes its logo on its global search pages to commemorate IWD.
I had this great idea! Now, what was it again?
Ideas are important. They’re the way society makes improvements. Sometimes the smallest of ideas can lead to great advancements. We all have ideas but the trouble is we often can’t foresee the long-term possibilities and we forget about the ideas.
International Ideas Month encourages you to make the most of your ideas and challenges you to do something with them. Below are two ways you can make the most of your ideas.
- Carry a small notebook (or use an app on your phone) and write down ideas as you have them.
- Brainstorm with people who share a common purpose and see what ideas come up.
Sometimes ideas come in a flood and sometimes just one pops into your head. However it happens, make a note of it. Then, before too much time passes, review your ideas and evaluate them. Once you’ve pinpointed your best ideas, create an action plan and get started.
As associations and chambers, you have the responsibility to set the tone for your industries and communities on how important it is for your members to recognize they are part of a global community. You choose March Mindfulness or March Madness, or both. I’d love to hear how you celebrate your choice. Let me know via email holly@hollyduckworth.com.
And just for fun – don’t forget International Pi day 3.1415926…
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